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IGNOU BA / BCOM / BSC Previous Question Papers?

Here students can check IGNOU New and Old Question Papers of all IGNOU Offered Master and Bachelor Courses. Out of them, one is APPLICATION ORIENTED COURSES – Common to all BA / BCOM / BSC. It is third component of the Bachelor’s Degree programme – BA / BCOM / BSC. If student opted for a total of 64 credits (Elective courses), need to take only 8 credits under AOC – Application Oriented Courses.

In other way, if opted for 56 credits (Elective courses), need to take 16 credits in Application Oriented Courses. Interested Students can take ba / b.com / b.sc online admission in both academic cycle i.e January and July.

How you will get Ignou BDP Solved Question Papers?

To prepare for upcoming aoc – ba / b.com / b.sc June or December term-end exams, students need to study or download IGNOU APPLICATION ORIENTED COURSES – Common to all BA / BCOM / BSC Previous Year Solved Question Papers, Model Question Papers, Sample Question Papers to know pattern and study hard for upcoming term-end exams.

For IGNOU BDP Help / Reference Books, contact at WhatsApp (9953207989)

As per rule, the university provides last 10 years aoc – ba / bcom / bsc question papers at official website in the form of PDF format.

IGNOU BDP Application Oriented Course Question Papers

Enrolled students can download previous year papers of application oriented courses – common to all ba / bcom / bsc at free of cost. Students need to download aoc – common to all ba / bcom / bsc question papers and solve them by their own. It really help u a lot in scoring good / more marks at ba / bcom / bsc term end exams. Students can download aoc – common to all ba / bcom / bsc previous year papers either by click on program code or by click on year/session for the year 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, June 2015, December 2015, June 2016, December 2016, June 2017, December 2017, June 2018, December 2018, June 2019 in the form of RAR file. It’s (.RAR) format due to their large size.

Here students can check or download IGNOU 10 Years previous question papers in RAR format for APPLICATION ORIENTED COURSES – Common to all BA / BCOM / BSC :


Keep visiting our website for latest update of IGNOU APPLICATION ORIENTED COURSES – Common to all BA / BCOM / BSC PREVIOUS YEAR QUESTION PAPERS !!


Add a Comment
  1. Can you please provide questio paper for BEGA1 and BEGA102.

  2. Can u provides notes of bega1

  3. can u provide me last three papers of mec ist yr

  4. can u provide me the guess paper of mec ist yr

    1. i have notes for ma economics notes for exam point of view….contact me at whatsapp (9953207989)

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